From the NASA/WMAP Science Team:
"The expansion of the universe over most of its history has been relatively gradual. The notion that a rapid period of 'inflation' preceded the big bang expansion was first put forth 25 years ago. The new WMAP observations favor specific inflation scenarios over other long-held ideas."
Thoughts of anon -
 question is whether the expansion included the beginning and end 
or to tell it another way
whether the beginning saw the end and the next beginning ad infinitum -just like looking into two parellel mirrors

or to explain doubts -whether the beginning the end and more beginnings and more ends of universe are possible this minute; now and  to day?

even if universe remains in constant state -without end ;is there a possibility of the future scenario already present now ;this moment ;


Many Worlds Theory of Infinite Parallel Universes

The Many Worlds Theory of Infinite Parallel Universes is the most satisfying scientific theory to explain the paradoxes inherent in Quantum Reality. Quantum Reality is the most successful scientific theory to ever explain the experimental data gathered by over a century of physics research. However, the conclusions are mind boggling to scientists because they want a nice logical explanation for the universe and quantum reality gives them a world of impreciseness and probability with data pointing to a single non-local field of energy composed of waveforms. This includes making the assumption that objects and observers are not independent but somehow linked. It is the act of observing that causes all the paradoxes. To solve all of the paradoxes of observers and object being linked somehow, the theory expresses that for every quantum event observed, the universe splits into each and every possible observable outcome and each universe continues separate, and in parallel, unaware of the other universes. In effect, a universe without observers would exist as a superimposed set of possible outcomes, with each outcome in a suspended state of unmanifested existence. It is the act of observation that makes possibilities transend from probability to reality.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHETHER WE CAN SEE OUR UNIVERSE IN A DIFFERENT ASPECT IN TIME AND SPACE FROM A QUANTUM UNIVERSE



                                             MY  BRAIN WAVE AT MIDNIGHT---2011---31DECEMBER----JANUARY--1 -- 2012!!

or a replacement battery at every gas (petrol) station

Light created from vacuum shows empty space a myth-showspre the big bang there were (intelligent )particles

PTI Nov 19, 2011, 07.34AM IST
WASHINGTON: Scientists claim to have produced particles of light out of vacuum, proving that space is not empty.
An international team says that its experiment in which tiny parcels of light, or photons, are produced out of empty space has confirmed that a vacuum contains quantum fluctuations of energy, the Nature journal reported.
In fact, the scientists have demonstrated for the first time a strange phenomenon known as the dynamical Casimir effect, or DCE for short.
The DCE involves stimulating the vacuum to shed some of the myriad "virtual" particles that fleet in and out of existence, making them real and detectable. Moreover, the real photons produced by the DCE in their experiment collectively retain a peculiar quantum signature that ordinary light lacks.
The research, led by Chris Wilson of Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, shows that a related dynamic effect can occur when such a mirror moves very fast through vacuum. The DCE was predicted over 40 years ago, but had not yet been observed experimentally due to the difficulty of creating the required experimental conditions.

Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result

Gran Sasso headquartersNeutrinos travel through 700km of rock before reaching Gran Sasso's underground laboratories

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The team behind the finding in September that neutrinos may travel faster than light has carried out an improved version of their experiment - and found the same result.
If confirmed by other experiments, the find could undermine one of the basic principles of modern physics.
Critics of the first report had said that the long bunches of neutrinos used could introduce an error into the test.
The new work, posted to the Arxiv repository, used much shorter bunches.
It has been submitted to the Journal of High Energy Physics, but has not yet been reviewed by the scientific community.
The experiments have been carried out by the Opera collaboration - short for Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus.
It hinges on sending bunches of neutrinos created at the Cern facility (actually produced as decays within a long bunch of protons produced at Cern) through 730km of rock to a giant detector at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy.
The initial series of experiments, comprising 15,000 separate measurements spread out over three years, found that the neutrinos arrives 60 billionths of a second faster than light would have, travelling unimpeded over the same distance.
The idea that nothing can exceed the speed of light in a vacuum forms a cornerstone in physics - first laid out by James Clerk Maxwell and later incorporated into Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity.
Timing is everything
Initial analysis of the work by the wider scientific community argued that the relatively long-lasting bunches of neutrinos could introduce a significant error into the measurement.
Those bunches lasted 10 millionths of a second - 160 times longer than the discrepancy the team initially reported in the neutrinos' travel time.
To address that, scientists at Cern adjusted the way in which the proton beams were produced, resulting in bunches just three billionths of a second long.
When the Opera team ran the improved experiment 20 times, they found almost exactly the same result.
Neutrino experiments in bubble chamber
"This is reinforcing the previous finding and ruling out some possible systematic errors which could have in principle been affecting it," said Antonio Ereditato of the Opera collaboration.
"We didn't think they were, and now we have the proof," he told BBC News. "This is reassuring that it's not the end of the story."
The first announcement of evidently faster-than-light neutrinos caused a stir world-wide; the Opera collaboration is very aware of its implications if eventually proved correct.
The error in the length of the bunches, however, is just the largest among several potential sources of uncertainty in the measurement, which must all now be addressed in turn; these mostly centre on the precise departure and arrival times of the bunches.
"So far no arguments have been put forward that rule out our effect," Dr Ereditato said.
"This additional test we made is confirming our original finding, but still we have to be very prudent, still we have to look forward to independent confirmation. But this is a positive result."
That confirmation may be much longer in coming, as only a few facilities worldwide have the detectors needed to catch the notoriously flighty neutrinos - which interact with matter so rarely as to have earned the nickname "ghost particles".
Next year, teams working on two other experiments at Gran Sasso experiments - Borexino and Icarus - will begin independent cross-checks of Opera's results.
The US Minos experiment and Japan's T2K experiment will also test the observations. It is likely to be several months before they report back.
Graphic of the Opera experiment

More on This Story

Now to treat burns, use spray-on-skin

PTI Oct 6, 2011, 06.12AM IST
PERTH: Have you ever imagined a technique where you don't have to undergo surgery for burns and they can be cured by a simple spray on your skin?
An Australia-based doctor has developed a new 'spray-on-skin' technique, which allows the rapid administration of skin cells, speeding up the healing process and significantly reducing scarring simply by having your consultant spray the skin.

Soon, a pill that can reverse diabetes ANI Oct 12, 2011, 12.00AM IST

A daily pill that could cure diabetes is one step closer to reality, thanks to the efforts by the researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who discovered how to reverse the condition.
The researchers have discovered a compound made naturally in the body that can reverse diabetes and restore normal blood sugar metabolism in diabetic mice.

This naturally occurring compound, called nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, plays a vital role in how cells use energy.
Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD, associate professor of developmental biology, and his colleagues were able to normalise blood sugar levels in diabetic mice by injecting them with the chemical.
"After giving NMN, glucose tolerance goes completely back to normal in female diabetic mice," said Imai.
"In males, we see a milder effect compared to females, but we still see an effect. These are really remarkable results. NMN improves diabetic symptoms, at least in mice," he added.
Imai said the discovery holds promise for people because the mechanisms that NMN influences are largely the same in mice and humans.
He and his team are now working on a way of administering NMN to mice in drinking water.
"Once we can get a grade of NMN that humans can take, we would really like to launch a pilot human study," said Imai.
The research is detailed online Oct. 4 in Cell Metabolism.

New radar tech can see through concrete walls!

A new radar technology developed at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory has brought science fiction into reality with its ability to see through walls.
The technology can provide real-time video of what’s going on behind solid walls, Science Daily reported.
Much as humans and other animals see via waves of visible light that bounce off objects and then strike our eyes’ retinas, radar “sees” by sending out radio waves that bounce off targets and return to the radar’s receivers.
But just as light can’t pass through solid objects in quantities large enough for the eye to detect, it’s hard to build radar that can penetrate walls well enough to show what’s happening behind.
The researchers’ device is an unassuming array of antenna arranged into two rows – eight receiving elements on top, 13 transmitting ones below – and some computing equipment, all mounted onto a movable cart.
It has powerful implications for military operations, especially “urban combat situations,” said Gregory Charvat, technical staff at Lincoln Lab and the leader of the project.
The system may be used at a range of up to 60 feet away from the wall and it gives a real-time picture of movement behind the wall in the form of a video at the rate of 10.8 frames per second.
Because the processor uses a subtraction method – comparing each new picture to the last, and seeing what’s changed – the radar can only detect moving targets, not inanimate objects such as furniture.
Still, even a human trying to stand still moves slightly, and the system can detect these small movements to display that human’s location.