Study: Taste of Beer, Not Alcoholic Content, Triggers Brain's Rewards Centers

Researchers say the taste of beer triggers a 'Pavlov's Dogs' response in drinkers

April 16, 2013 RSS Feed Print
Watch out, Mr. Putin, the taste of beer may 'provoke the urge to become intoxicated.'
Watch out, Mr. Putin, the taste of beer may 'provoke the urge to become intoxicated.'
The taste of beer, without the effects of alcohol, is enough to trigger the urge to drink more, according to a study released Monday.
When given a small amount of beer, the taste triggered a dopamine reaction in the centers of the brain most often associated with addiction and cravings. The findings suggest that just a small sip can lead a drinker--or an alcoholic--to want to drink more.
"Just a little taste is sufficient to increase people's desire to drink," says David Kareken of Indiana University, the study's lead author.
The response was stronger in people with family histories of alcoholism.
Kareken says the result suggests beer might have a Pavlovian Effect on humans.
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In Ivan Pavlov's famous experiment, the Russian physiologist discovered "classical conditioning"—a form of learning that suggests that one stimulus can elicit a certain response because of an expected outcome. In his experiment, if a human rang a bell before feeding dogs, the dogs eventually began salivating as a response to the bell.
Kareken says that the taste of beer in drinkers works in much the same way. In his experiment, beer drinkers were given 15 milliliters—an extremely small amount—of their favorite beer over the course of 15 minutes, which enabled them to taste beer without perceptible blood alcohol increases. The taste alone was enough to trigger the release of dopamine—a hormone associated with rewarding activities—in the brain. When given Gatorade, there was no dopamine response. The study did not test nonalcoholic beers, but previous studies have suggested that drinking them could lead to relapse for alcoholics.
"What we showed is you don't need intoxication from alcohol to produce the release of dopamine," Kareken says. "The taste alone is enough."
[READ: Yes, Beer Shampoo Exists]
Previous studies have suggested that the smell of beer can trigger cravings, but Kareken's study was the first to show actual hormonal changes in the brain.
"Given that subjects who had a family history of alcoholism had the strongest dopamine response, the findings suggest that even the taste of beer can provoke the urge to become intoxicated," he says.
A drinker's brain might be conditioned to expect that he'll get drunk if he continues to drink beer, while an inexperienced drinker might not have the same effect, Kareken says.
"When intoxication is unexpected [by the brain], that's when you find the dopamine release from the [alcohol] itself," he says. "As certain sensory cues become associated [with getting drunk], the dopamine release moves away from the reward and happens with the stimulus."
In other words, the taste, not the alcohol, becomes Pavlov's bell for the brain's reward centers, he says.
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The incredible shrinking laboratory or 'lab-on-a-chip'

A lab-on-a-chip crams the pipettes, beakers and test tubes of a modern chemistry lab onto a microchip-sized wafer

For more on nanotechnology visit our Nanotechnology World information portal
Blood samples are pictured at the Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analysis in Epalinges near Lausanne.
Compared with a conventional laboratory, greater sensitivity means a lab-on-a-chip requires a much smaller test sample. Photograph: Reuters
When a doctor wants to carry out a test, she will probably prick you with a needle, fill up several test tubes of your blood, label, package and send them to some centralised hospital laboratory. Technicians will then take the contents, perform the various biochemical analyses needed, write up the results and send back the documentation in a few weeks, perhaps longer if there's a backlog.
The process is slow and labour-intensive. What if you could reduce the whole business to a few minutes? What if, for the majority of ailments or questions, the doctor only needed a drop of your blood and could test you for viruses or cancers while you wait in her surgery? With a lab-on-a-chip, that is already possible.
Quick tests are not a new idea – pregnancy tests can be done at home and diabetics can quickly and easily measure their blood sugar levels using only a drop of blood – but complex diagnoses still need labs and technicians.
"With a lab-on-a-chip you can do a quick diagnostic test and get information right there, which is very useful when somebody's got a disease that's got a very short timeline to be treated," says Mark Morrison, CEO of the Institute of Nanotechnology in Stirling, UK. "What it effectively does is miniaturises and compacts all the different processes that a researcher or a technician in the diagnostic lab uses."
The lab-on-a-chip shrinks the pipettes, beakers and test tubes of a modern chemistry lab onto a microchip-sized wafer of glass or plastic. Perhaps you want to know which viruses are in a sample of blood? Or, on the battlefield, which biological warfare agent is present in a soldier's bloodstream? Put in a drop of blood at one end and the carefully carved channels take its constituent molecules past a circuit of nanometre-sized chemical and physical tests that poke, prod and characterise them to answer your question, however complicated. A chip developed by the University of Alberta, for example, can screen for chromosome mutations that cause a range of cancers.
The platform blurs nanotechnology, biotechnology and micro-electronics. And it is not specific to medicine – it is being developed for environmental monitoring of pollutants and, increasingly, in basic scientific research to speed up the once-tedious aspects of examining genes or testing the properties of new materials.
Prof Tom Duke at the London Centre for Nantechnology has been working on a chip that can detect whether a blood sample contains HIV. Current tests require testing in large laboratories staffed by skilled clinicians, which is a hindrance if you want to test people in resource-poor countries where the disease is rife.
Duke's chip simplifies that process using a sensor that only requires a drop of blood at one end. The blood is separated into its parts by an array of nanometre-sized silicon pillars in the sensor and the biggest bits – such as blood cells and large proteins – are trapped. Any virus particles pass between the pilars to the other end of the sensor, where they are attracted to a series of tiny cantilevers coated with antibodies. These are, in essence, mini diving boards that bend when something lands on them, and that deflection can be measured by bouncing a laser off them. The more the diving boards are deflected, the more virus is present. "This platform can be used for pretty much any viral or bacterial disease," says Duke.
There are several advantages to the lab-on-a-chip approach, beyond the convenience of being able to test in the field. The test sample required is much smaller because of the sensitivity of the chip, which is useful if you need to measure trace gases in the atmosphere or the very earliest stages of a disease when the chemical markers in the blood are low in number and would probably be missed by standard tests.
"Potentially you can detect the presence of, for example, cancer or diabetes at a much earlier stage and then treat it more effectively," says Morrison. "If you treat the disease earlier on, you have a much greater chance of success."
The Simbas chip, designed by a team of researchers led by Ivan Dimov at the University of California, Berkeley, can detect a biological component in blood at a concentration of around 1 part per 40 billion. "That can be roughly thought of as finding a fine grain of sand in a 1,700-gallon sand pile," says Dimov. The self-contained chip can get results from a drop of blood in 10 minutes, without the need for any external pumps, tubes or power supply.
Researchers interested in basic physiology are also finding a use for these sophisticated mini laboratories. Scientists at Harvard University have created a lung on a chip that contains several types of tissue and can be used in experiments to understand basic function. They can simulate flowing blood, introduce pollutants and toxins to see how the "lung" reacts and even stretch and contract the cells to simulate breathing.
The technology will no doubt get faster, cheaper and more abundant. But there are some ethical questions coming along the pipeline, along with the technical ones. Most important, while it is still in its infancy and still relatively expensive, who gets access to it? And, since many of the devices will be used to test for an individual's susceptibility to specific genetic diseases, another question is who should be able to access to that information? "As a scientist I'd say screen everybody for every disease because then you know who is going to get something and you can treat them early on," says Morrison. "But that's maybe looking at it from a utopian point of view."
The dystopian alternative is a precautionary note rather than an inevitability and, in any case, debates around future access to genetic and medical data are already under way, thanks to a rapidly improving arsenal of medical and environmental sensors. Miniature laboratories on silicon and glass chips are another, invaluable tool in that arsenal.
The Guardian is working in association with the European Union's NanoChannels project to create a portal for information on the technical and ethical challenges associated with nanotechnol

Video algorithm helps detect heart disease

Video algorithm helps detect heart disease
Mumbai Mirror Bureau

A software program that can accurately gauge your heart rate by measuring tiny head movements in video data could ultimately be used to easily diagnose cardiac ailments.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new algorithm that can accurately measure the heart rates of people depicted in ordinary digital video by analysing imperceptibly small head movements that accompany the rush of blood caused by the heart's contractions.

In tests, the algorithm gave pulse measurements that were consistently within a few beats per minute of those produced by electrocardiograms (EKGs). It was also able to provide useful estimates of the time intervals between beats, a measurement that can be used to identify patients at risk for cardiac events.

Guha Balakrishnan, a graduate student, and his two advisors - John Guttag and Fredo Durand - describe the new algorithm in an upcoming paper.

A video-based pulse-measurement system could be useful for monitoring newborns or the elderly, whose sensitive skin could be damaged by frequent attachment and removal of EKG leads. But, Guttag says, "From a medical perspective, I think that the long-term utility is going to be in applications beyond just pulse measurement."

For instance, Guttag says, an arterial obstruction could cause the blood to flow unevenly to the head. "Can you use the same type of techniques to look for bilateral asymmetries?" he asks. "What would it mean if you had more motion on one side than the other?"

Similarly, Guttag says, the technique could, in principle, measure cardiac output, or the volume of blood pumped by the heart, which is used in the diagnosis of several types of heart disease. Indeed, he says, before the advent of the echocardiogram, cardiac output was estimated by measuring exactly the types of mechanical forces that the new algorithm registers: In a technique called ballistocardiography, a heart patient would lie on a table with a low-friction suspension system; with every heartbeat, the table would move slightly, with a displacement corresponding to cardiac output.

"I think this should be viewed as proof of concept," Guttag says. "It opens up a lot of potential flexibility."

How it works

The algorithm works by combining several techniques common in the field of computer vision. First, it uses standard face recognition to distinguish the subject's head from the rest of the image. Then it randomly selects 500 to 1,000 distinct points, clustered around the subjects' mouths and noses, whose movement it tracks from frame to frame. "I avoided the eyes, because there's blinking, which you don't want," Balakrishnan says.

Next, it filters out any frame-to-frame movements whose temporal frequency falls outside the range of a normal heartbeat - roughly 0.5 to 5 hertz, or 30 to 300 cycles per minute. That eliminates movements that repeat at a lower frequency, such as those caused by regular breathing and gradual changes in posture.

Finally, using a technique called principal component analysis, the algorithm decomposes the resulting signal into several constituent signals, which represent aspects of the remaining movements that don't appear to be correlated with each other. Of those signals, it selects the one that appears to be the most regular and that falls within the typical frequency band of the human pulse.

Video algorithm helps detect heart disease

Video algorithm helps detect heart disease
Mumbai Mirror Bureau

A software program that can accurately gauge your heart rate by measuring tiny head movements in video data could ultimately be used to easily diagnose cardiac ailments.

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new algorithm that can accurately measure the heart rates of people depicted in ordinary digital video by analysing imperceptibly small head movements that accompany the rush of blood caused by the heart's contractions.

In tests, the algorithm gave pulse measurements that were consistently within a few beats per minute of those produced by electrocardiograms (EKGs). It was also able to provide useful estimates of the time intervals between beats, a measurement that can be used to identify patients at risk for cardiac events.

Guha Balakrishnan, a graduate student, and his two advisors - John Guttag and Fredo Durand - describe the new algorithm in an upcoming paper.

A video-based pulse-measurement system could be useful for monitoring newborns or the elderly, whose sensitive skin could be damaged by frequent attachment and removal of EKG leads. But, Guttag says, "From a medical perspective, I think that the long-term utility is going to be in applications beyond just pulse measurement."

For instance, Guttag says, an arterial obstruction could cause the blood to flow unevenly to the head. "Can you use the same type of techniques to look for bilateral asymmetries?" he asks. "What would it mean if you had more motion on one side than the other?"

Similarly, Guttag says, the technique could, in principle, measure cardiac output, or the volume of blood pumped by the heart, which is used in the diagnosis of several types of heart disease. Indeed, he says, before the advent of the echocardiogram, cardiac output was estimated by measuring exactly the types of mechanical forces that the new algorithm registers: In a technique called ballistocardiography, a heart patient would lie on a table with a low-friction suspension system; with every heartbeat, the table would move slightly, with a displacement corresponding to cardiac output.

"I think this should be viewed as proof of concept," Guttag says. "It opens up a lot of potential flexibility."

How it works

The algorithm works by combining several techniques common in the field of computer vision. First, it uses standard face recognition to distinguish the subject's head from the rest of the image. Then it randomly selects 500 to 1,000 distinct points, clustered around the subjects' mouths and noses, whose movement it tracks from frame to frame. "I avoided the eyes, because there's blinking, which you don't want," Balakrishnan says.

Next, it filters out any frame-to-frame movements whose temporal frequency falls outside the range of a normal heartbeat - roughly 0.5 to 5 hertz, or 30 to 300 cycles per minute. That eliminates movements that repeat at a lower frequency, such as those caused by regular breathing and gradual changes in posture.

Finally, using a technique called principal component analysis, the algorithm decomposes the resulting signal into several constituent signals, which represent aspects of the remaining movements that don't appear to be correlated with each other. Of those signals, it selects the one that appears to be the most regular and that falls within the typical frequency band of the human pulse.

Doctor claims breakthrough in race for spinal 'cure' AFP | Jun 26, 2013,

HONG KONG: A leading researcher into severe spinal cord injuries today said trials for stem-cell therapy showed groundbreaking results in giving immobile patients the ability to walk again.

After progress in a second round of tests using stem cells to regrow nerve fibres, the China Spinal Cord Injury Network (ChinaSCINet) has applied for regulatory approval in China for a third and final phase, which it hopes to start in the autumn.

"This will convince the doctors of the world that they do not need to tell patients 'you will never walk again'," US-based doctor Wise Young, chief executive officer of ChinaSCINet, told AFP.

He said that 15 out of 20 patients in the Chinese city of Kunming, who received umbilical cord blood cell transplants and intensive walking therapy, were on average able to walk with minimal assistance seven years after complete spinal cord injury.

"It's the first time in human history that we can see the regeneration of the spinal cord," Young said.

The treatment involves injecting umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells into patients' damaged spines to help regenerate nerves, while lithium is used to promote the growth of the nerve fibres.

Each component of the combination therapy will be tested in the third phase, which Young said would involve 120 patients in China and another 120 across India, Norway and the United States.

"If the phase three trial is successful, we should have achieved worldwide regulatory approval by the beginning to the middle of 2015," he said.

ChinaSCINet, a non-profit organisation that calls itself the world's largest clinical trial network for spinal cord therapies, was established in Hong Kong in 2005.

"Hong Kong is going to be way ahead of all the other countries if the spinal cord injury trial turns out to be positive," Young said. "That means Hong Kong will be the centre for stem-cell therapies."

Young also said China is investing heavily into stem-cell research, while the technology remains highly controversial in the United States because of the anti-abortion camp's concerns about cells derived from human embryos.

Doctor claims breakthrough in race for spinal 'cure'

HONG KONG: A leading researcher into severe spinal cord injuries today said trials for stem-cell therapy showed groundbreaking results in giving immobile patients the ability to walk again.

After progress in a second round of tests using stem cells to regrow nerve fibres, the China Spinal Cord Injury Network (ChinaSCINet) has applied for regulatory approval in China for a third and final phase, which it hopes to start in the autumn.

"This will convince the doctors of the world that they do not need to tell patients 'you will never walk again'," US-based doctor Wise Young, chief executive officer of ChinaSCINet, told AFP.

He said that 15 out of 20 patients in the Chinese city of Kunming, who received umbilical cord blood cell transplants and intensive walking therapy, were on average able to walk with minimal assistance seven years after complete spinal cord injury.

"It's the first time in human history that we can see the regeneration of the spinal cord," Young said.

The treatment involves injecting umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells into patients' damaged spines to help regenerate nerves, while lithium is used to promote the growth of the nerve fibres.

Each component of the combination therapy will be tested in the third phase, which Young said would involve 120 patients in China and another 120 across India, Norway and the United States.

"If the phase three trial is successful, we should have achieved worldwide regulatory approval by the beginning to the middle of 2015," he said.

ChinaSCINet, a non-profit organisation that calls itself the world's largest clinical trial network for spinal cord therapies, was established in Hong Kong in 2005.

"Hong Kong is going to be way ahead of all the other countries if the spinal cord injury trial turns out to be positive," Young said. "That means Hong Kong will be the centre for stem-cell therapies."

Young also said China is investing heavily into stem-cell research, while the technology remains highly controversial in the United States because of the anti-abortion camp's concerns about cells derived from human embryos.

We might be living in a 'multiverse'

WASHINGTON: A groundbreaking theory proposed 15 years ago by physicists that suggests the presence of a 'multiverse' or multiple universes may be correct, according to some US scientists.
If the theory proposed in 1997 by three University of Delaware physicists is true, then it could debunk some of the discoveries scientists were hoping to make at the Large Hadron Collider, the multi-billion-dollar particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, where the famous " Higgs boson" was discovered, researchers said.


Video: 4,000-year-old relic caught on CCTV mysteriously moving

THIS is a time lapse video taken from a CCTV camera, showing an Egyptian relic mysteriously moving by itself.

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LONDON: A 4,000-year-old Egyptian statue has puzzled curators at the Manchester Museum after the relic started to mysteriously spin 180 degrees on its own.
The 10-inch-tall relic, which dates back to 1800 BC, was found in a mummy's tomb and has spent 80 years at the museum. However, in recent weeks, curators were spooked after they kept finding the statue facing the wrong way. Experts decided to shoot a time-lapse video and were astonished to see the statuette spinning 180 degrees without external influence.
The statue, which is of a man named Neb-Senu, is seen to remain still at night but slowly rotate during the day, Manchester Evening News reported.
"I noticed one day that it had turned around. I thought it was strange because it is in a case and I am the only one who has a key," said Campbell Price, a curator at the museum on Oxford Road.
"I put it back but then the next day it had moved again. We set up a time-lapse video and, although the naked eye can't see it, you can clearly see it rotate on the film. The statuette is something that used to go in the tomb along with the mummy. Mourners would lay offerings at its feet. The hieroglyphics on the back ask for bread, beer and beef," he added.
Price believes there may be a spiritual explanation. "In ancient Egypt, they believed that if the mummy is destroyed, then the statuette can act as an alternative vessel for the spirit. Maybe that is what is causing the movement."
Other experts have a more rational explanation, suggesting that the vibrations caused by the footsteps of passing visitors makes the statuette turn. TV boffin and physicist Professor Brian Cox also favours this explanation. However, Price is not convinced.
"Brian thinks it's differential friction. The two surfaces cause a subtle vibration which is making the statuette turn. But it has been on those surfaces since we have had it and it has never moved before. And why would it go around in a perfect circle?" Price countered.



Piltdown: The Man that Never Was

For forty years they were considered one of the archaeological finds of the century: A fragment of jaw and a part of a skull that could prove man evolved from the apes. They were the bones of Eoanthropus dawsoni found near Piltdown Common in Sussex. The bones of the "Missing Link."
Since 1953 the name "Piltdown" hasn't been associated with great scientific discovery, but great scientific fraud. It was in that year that a group of scientists, lead by Kenneth Page Oakley, attempted to use the new method of fluorine testing to get a more exact date on the bones. What the test showed surprised them: The jaw was modern and the skull only six hundred years old.
Additional analysis soon confirmed the fluorine tests. The jaw was really that of an orangutan. It had been filed down and parts that might have suggested it's simian origin were broken off. Both pieces had been treated to suggest great age.
Piltdown was proclaimed genuine by several of the most brilliant British scientists of the day: Arthur Smith Woodward, Arthur Keith and Grafton Elliot Smith. How did these faked fragments of bone fool the best scientific minds of the time? Perhaps the desire to be part of a great discovery blinded those charged with authenticating it. Many English scientists felt left out by discoveries on the continent. Neanderthal had been found in Germany in 1856, and Cro-Magnon in France in 1868. Perhaps national pride had kept the researchers from noticing the scratch marks made by the filing of the jaw and teeth. Items that were apparent later on to investigators after Oakley exposed the hoax.
Even as early as 1914, though, there were those that doubted the fossils. William King Gregory wrote, "It has been suspected by some that geologically [the specimens] are not old at all; that they may even represent a deliberate hoax..."
Who perpetrated the hoax? Many historians lay their bets on Charles Dawson, the amateur geologist that supposedly discovered the bones in a gravel pit. Others, though, lay the blame at the feet of people as diverse as a young Jesuit priest, named Teilhard de Chardin, who assisted in the dig, to the author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who lived in the area.
Dawson was an English solicitor who sought and collected fossils. Even before the find in Piltdown he was known as the "Wizard of Sussex" because of his many different and unusual finds. These included a prehistoric reptile, a mammal and a plant. Each boar a scientific name with dawsoni in it. Piltdown was his fourth: Eoanthropus dawsoni, "Dawson's Dawn Man," in Latin. If Dawson had lived longer this final discovery might have earned him a Knighthood. If the hoaxer was Dawson it looks like pride might have been his motive.
Probably the most telling evidence against Dawson is that, though he did not personally find all the Piltdown specimens, he appears to be the only figure around when each of the artifacts were discovered. Also, after his death in 1916, no more objects related to Piltdown were ever found despite the work of Arthur Woodward, a geologist at the British Museum, who continued to search Piltdown for fossils for many years after Dawson passed away.
There is some evidence that Martin A. C. Hinton, later the keeper of the zoology collection at the British Museum, may have prepared and planted the bones. In 1975 a steamer trunk, containing a set of bones stained the same way the piltdown fragments were, was found in the loft at the museum. The trunk is believed to have been owned by Hinton, and bears his initials. Two paleontologists at the museum, Brain Gardiner and Andrew Currant suggest that Hinton came up with the hoax to embarrass Woodward, who had refused Hinton a salaried job with the Museum. If this is true, then the hoax probably went alot further that Hinton had expected.
Dawson also, according to a friend, Samuel Woodhead, had an interest in stained bones and had "asked my father how one would treat bones to make them look older than they were..." The Piltdown bon

Plants 'do maths' to control overnight food supplies

Arabidopsis Arabidopsis thaliana: A model plant for scientific experiments

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Plants have a built-in capacity to do maths, which helps them regulate food reserves at night, research suggests.
UK scientists say they were "amazed" to find an example of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation in biology.
Mathematical models show that the amount of starch consumed overnight is calculated by division in a process involving leaf chemicals, a John Innes Centre team reports in e-Life journal.
Birds may use similar methods to preserve fat levels during migration.
The scientists studied the plant Arabidopsis, which is regarded as a model plant for experiments.
'Astonished' Overnight, when the plant cannot use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into sugars and starch, it must regulate its starch reserves to ensure they last until dawn.
Experiments by scientists at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, show that to adjust its starch consumption so precisely, the plant must be performing a mathematical calculation - arithmetic division.

Start Quote

This is the first concrete example in biology of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation”
Prof Martin Howard John Innes Centre, Norwich
"They're actually doing maths in a simple, chemical way - that's amazing, it astonished us as scientists to see that," study leader Prof Alison Smith told BBC News.
"This is pre-GCSE maths they're doing, but they're doing maths."
The scientists used mathematical modelling to investigate how a division calculation can be carried out inside a plant.
During the night, mechanisms inside the leaf measure the size of the starch store. Information about time comes from an internal clock, similar to the human body clock.
'Sophisticated' The researchers proposed that the process is mediated by the concentrations of two kinds of molecules called "S" for starch and "T" for time.
If the S molecules stimulate starch breakdown, while the T molecules prevent this from happening, then the rate of starch consumption is set by the ratio of S molecules to T molecules. In other words, S divided by T.
"This is the first concrete example in biology of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation," said mathematical modeller Prof Martin Howard, of the John Innes Centre.
The scientists think similar mechanisms may operate in animals such as birds to control fat reserves during migration over long distances, or when they are deprived of food when incubating eggs.
Commenting on the research, Dr Richard Buggs of Queen Mary, University of London, said: "This is not evidence for plant intelligence. It simply suggests that plants have a mechanism designed to automatically regulate how fast they burn carbohydrates at night. Plants don't do maths voluntarily and with a purpose in mind like we do."

Mystery behind x-ray light from black holes solved

WASHINGTON: Scientists claim to have solved the mystery how black holesproduce so many high-power X-rays. 

In a new study, astrophysicists from The Johns Hopkins University, NASA and the Rochester Institute of Technology conducted research that bridges the gap between theory and observation by demonstrating that gas spiralling toward a black hole inevitably results in X-ray emissions. 

The study states that as gas spirals toward a black hole through a formation called an accretion disk, it heats up to roughly 10 million degrees celsius. 

The temperature in the main body of the disk is roughly 2,000 times hotter than the sun and emits low-energy or "soft" X-rays. However, observations also detect "hard" X-rays which produce up to 100 times higher energy levels. 

Julian Krolik, professor of physics and astronomy in the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and his fellow scientists used a combination of supercomputer simulations and traditional hand-written calculations to uncover their findings. 

Supported by 40 years of theoretical progress, the team showed for the first time that high-energy light emission is not only possible, but is an inevitable outcome of gas being drawn into a black hole. 

"Black holes are truly exotic, with extraordinarily high temperatures, incredibly rapid motions and gravity exhibiting the full weirdness of general relativity," Krolik said. 

"But our calculations show we can understand a lot about them using only standard physics principles," Krolik said. 

As the quality and quantity of the high-energy light observations improved over the years, evidence mounted showing that photons must be created in a hot, tenuous region called the corona. 

This corona, boiling violently above the comparatively cool disk, is similar to the corona surrounding the sun, which is responsible for much of the ultra-violet and X-ray luminosity seen in the solar spectrum, researchers said.