Buckminster Fuller: The Man Who Saw The Future




The Future Is Here

 Here are some recent scientific discoveries: 

  • Tiny robots: Robots made from human cells can repair damaged tissue.
  • Microplastics: Microplastics were found in the blood and lungs of 77.2% of volunteers.
  • Fungus communication: Mushrooms can communicate with each other by sending electrical impulses through a web of underground mycelium.
  • Disc around a star: Astronomers found a disc around a young star in a neighboring galaxy.
  • Multivalent mRNA flu vaccine: This vaccine could protect against future outbreaks of any of the 20 known subtypes of influenza virus.
  • James Webb telescope: The telescope revealed a "nursery" of 500,000 stars in the Milky Way.
Other recent scientific discoveries include: 
  • Restoring reefs
  • AI to find aliens
  • Inverse vaccines
  • Sequencing the Y-chromosome
  • Discovering the motion of space-time
  • Gene therapy for muscular dystrophy
  • Improving heart health
  • AI mind reading