cable computer for poor people

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invisible mumbaikaar

cable computer for poor people

worlds poor who survive on less than $1 per day can never dream of owning a computer or cellphone or refrigerator or electric light or running water or even a place to sleep or to have two solid meals per day
For such people government /private can help to get food and accommodation also cheap communication /phone/computer facilities through land line/mobile/WiFi/satellite .yes computer facilities for poor people at subsidized rate and a free screen or subsidized screen for use at home or even facilities for mobile connection for a centralized computer through WiFi,satellite,cable.That way 100% people allover the world gets connected in a few years time and when there are 6 billion (no of people)connections the rate charges will plummet and it becomes affordable to provider and people
Are you listening mr gates?Take this opportunity and go ahead or you will become a has been and remembered for providing obsolete technologies and failed 
---------------------------------------centralized computer is now called cloud computer-----------------------------------------------------------------------

cable computer for poor people

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invisible mumbaikaar

cable computer for poor people

worlds poor who survive on less than $1 per day can never dream of owning a computer or cellphone or refrigerator or electric light or running water or even a place to sleep or to have two solid meals per day
For such people government /private can help to get food and accommodation also cheap communication /phone/computer facilities through land line/mobile/WiFi/satellite .yes computer facilities for poor people at subsidized rate and a free screen or subsidized screen for use at home or even facilities for mobile connection for a centralized computer through WiFi,satellite,cable.That way 100% people allover th world gets connected in a few years time and when there are 6 billion (no of people)connections the rate charges will plummet and it becomes affordable to provider and people
Are you listening mr gates?Take this opportunity and go ahead or you will become a has been and remembered for providing obsolete technologies and failed 
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