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Speaking of Science

Please stop annoying this NASA scientist with your ridiculous Planet X doomsday theories

NASA scientist debunks Nibiru
NASA senior scientist David Morrison explains why there is no such thing as a planet called Nibiru.
David Morrison is a real NASA scientist who studies real planets and makes real discoveries about the real universe.
Unfortunately for him, Morrison’s duties also include debunking perennial Internet theories that a fake planet is about to destroy the Earth, which was supposed to happen in 2003, then 2012, then Sept. 23, then October — and now the world is supposed to end again some time Sunday.
And Morrison sounds like he’s just about had it.
“You’re asking me for a logical explanation of a totally illogical idea,” the senior NASA scientist said on this week’s SETI Institute podcast, after the hosts asked for his take on third scheduled apocalypse in three months. “There is no such planet, there never has been, and presumably there never will be — but it keeps popping up over and over.”
We can understand his frustration. Based on just enough pseudoscience to capture the popular imagination, the theory claims that a planet (or “black star”) called Nibiru (or Planet X) is orbiting the outer fringes of our solar system. It’s just far enough out there that no one can prove it exists, of course, but also happens to be on a path that will soon send it careening toward Earth — either to smash into us cause a gravitational doomsday.
“I assumed that Nibiru was the sort of Internet rumor that would quickly pass,” Morrison wrote in 2008, after his “Ask an Astrobiologist” website had become inundated with predictions that Nibiru was going to cross paths with Earth in 2012.
“I now receive at least one question per day, ranging from anguished (‘I can’t sleep; I am really scared; I don’t want to die’) to the abusive (‘Why are you lying; you are putting my family at risk; if NASA denies it then it must be true.’)” he wrote.
Morrison laid out a detailed explanation, which he would repeat in years to come: There is no evidence that Nibiru exists; if it did exist, it would have screwed up the outer planets’ orbits long ago; and people have predicted its arrival before and been wrong.
Of course, logic didn’t work. Thousands of panicky emails poured in to NASA as the 2012 supposed dooms date approached, Morrison said on the podcast. The agency was internally split over whether to respond, lest it legitimize nonsense, and eventually the director of NASA decided something had to be done.
Thus was Morrison — whose has worked on NASA’s Voyager, Galileo and Kepler missions in his decades long career — forced to make YouTube videos for frightened children.
“I got a note from a 12-year-old girl. She said she and her classmates were scared,” he said in a 2011 video. “The simplest thing to say is there is no evidence whatsoever from the existence of Nibiru.”
Sure enough, no phantom star disrupted Earth’s orbit in 2012.
Sure enough, the fear of it continued to disrupt Morrison’s work up to the present day.
As Kristine Phillips wrote for The Washington Post, a conspiracy theorist put a biblical spin on the Nibiru theory this year, claiming to have deduced from the Book of Revelation that it would set off a spasm of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves beginning on Sept. 23.
September passed. The theorist’s revised date, Oct. 15, also came and went uneventfully.
But tabloids and YouTube cranks simply moved on to other theorists with other soon-ish dooms dates. The most recent was a blogger who predicted that Nibiru, the sun and the Earth will all line up and cause a cataclysmic series earthquakes on Sunday.
That’s why you can now read a Newsweek article, — “HOW TO PREPARE IF CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE RIGHT” — and any number of tabloids warnings about armageddon, yet again.
And that’s just the headlines. Nibiru theories have by now become so abundant that if you spend long enough on YouTube or PlanetXNews.com you can find an apocalypse scheduled for just about any given day of the week.
And that’s why Morrison was on the SETI podcast this week, distracted from his science once again to talk about a world that never stops failing to end.
“I got a phone call the other day,” Morrison said. “The world was supposed to end Saturday. The man asked, ‘Should I ought to work on Saturday, or stay home with my family?’ ”
He didn’t say how he answered. At this point, does it even matter?
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Huge 'monster' planet could challenge scientists' theory of how worlds form

| The Independent | Updated: Nov 2, 2017, 16:07 IST


  • The planet, known as NGTS-1b, is the size of Jupiter, but it orbits around a red dwarf star that's only half the size of its sun.
  • The mysterious, challenging solar system is 600 light years from Earth and the ratio between the star and the planet is the most unusual ever discovered.
This image released on October 31, 2017 by the University of Warwick shows an artist's impression of planet NGTS-1b with its neighbouring sun. (AFP photo)This image released on October 31, 2017 by the University of Warwick shows an artist's impression of planet NG... Read More
A huge "monster" planet that's far too big for its sun could lead scientists to rethink their theories of astronomy.

The planet, known as NGTS-1b, is the size of Jupiter, but it orbits around a red dwarf star that's only half the size of its sun.

Scientists not only didn't predict that such a massive planet would be able to orbit such a small star, but it contradicts some of the predictions at the heart of their understanding of how planets form. The mysterious, challenging solar system is 600 light years from Earth and the ratio between the star and the planet is the most unusual ever discovered.

Dr Daniel Bayliss, from the University of Warwick, who led the team of astronomers, said: "The discovery of NGTS-1b was a complete surprise to us. Such massive planets were not thought to exist around such small stars.

"We are already challenging the received wisdom of how planets form. Our challenge is to now find out how common these types of planets are in the galaxy."

NGTS-1b was spotted using the Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS), a robotic array of telescopes in Chile's Atacama desert designed to search for exoplanets passing in front of their parent stars. The "hot Jupiter" gas giant is very close to its star, just 3 per cent of the distance between the Earth and the sun, and makes one orbit every 2.6 days. It has a surface temperature of around 530C.

Professor Peter Wheatley, also from the University of Warwick, who heads the NGTS, said: "NGTS-1b was difficult to find, despite being a monster of a planet, because its parent star is small and faint. Small stars are actually the most common in the universe, so it is possible that there are many of these giant planets waiting to found. Having worked for almost a decade to develop the NGTS telescope array, it is thrilling to see it picking out new and unexpected types of planets."

(A report on the discovery is due to appear in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.)

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