The glasses that will help your hearing

Last updated at 14:43 18 April 2006

New glasses
See Hear: The new glasses which double as hearing aids
Glasses can now help you to hear as well as to see. Scientists have developed a pair of battery-powered spectacles which double as hearing aids. They contain tiny microphones that pick up sounds and separate them from background noise.
Nearly nine million people in the UK are deaf or hard of hearing. According to the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, there are two million people in Britain with hearing aids, which work by magnifying sounds that come into the ear, and a further two million could benefit from wearing them.
Traditional hearing aids have a microphone that picks up sound, which is processed electronically in the hearing aid. The resulting signals are then passed to a tiny loudspeaker where they are converted back into louder sounds that the wearer hears.
Many hearing aids simply intensify sounds coming from all directions, with the result that people hear all the noise, and so cannot easily focus on conversations. Many people are also put off wearing hearing aids because they are uncomfortable.
But the new device, launched this month in Holland, is unlike any other hearing aid. In each arm of the glasses is a row of four tiny microphones. They intensify sounds from the front, while dampening surrounding noise.
The output from the micro-phones is relayed to each ear by two tiny, almost invisible tubes. The wearer chooses what they hear by looking in the relevant direction.
"It allows people to hear naturally and clearly in the direction in which they are looking, even in noisy rooms such as cafés or at a party," says audio specialist Martin de Jong, who has been involved in early tests.
The glasses, which cost around £1,700, are available in different designs and colours with either plain or prescription lenses.
Developer Varibel hopes they will be available in the UK in 12 months. For more information, call 0031 800 827 4235 or visit

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