Nordstrom disses ‘omni-channel’ term, but Alexandra Mysoor says it’s real

omni-channel approach
Nordstrom and other large retailers may not know what the term “omni-channel” means, but it is a real trend that’s happening. Jamie Nordstrom was quoted in a recent article saying he doesn’t get the term, but Nordstrom does strive to be where its customers are whether it’s online or offline.
In case you’re not familiar with the term either, “omni-channel” refers to the integration of a variety of channels into a customer acquisition strategy. Basically, you have to go where your customers are. It’s not a new concept, so I can understand the reluctance to give it a new label. But serial entrepreneur Alexandra Mysoor, who just launched a new company, Shanth, disagrees.
Shanth is part studio, part agency, and part incubator to help companies catapult brands into the mainstream using the ‘omni-channel’ approach. Mysoor believes it’s different than the cross-channel and multi-channel approaches, which others claim are similar, in that cross-channel and multi-channel don’t fully integrate or leverage the full shopping and brand experience for the customer.
Mysoor says, “We are moving from individual channels to touch points where customers can interact and transact. When you are in a brick and mortar store but instagraming your mobile shopping moment and bookmarking your future purchase, that is a touch point that only Omni-Channel Retail approach can track and leverage. Technology is allowing us to create a digital layer that encompasses all channels and creates an experience where the customer is truly at the center and can be delivered a personal experience.”
In my chat with her at the TIE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) event at Runway in San Francisco, Mysoor explains the omni-channel approach and how it can help just about any brand reach their customers anywhere. She also offers some critical advice for anyone launching a brand in today’s marketplace.

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