Safety devices for personal protection

AMRITAPURI (Kerala): Help is at hand for the vulnerable, especially women, the elderly and children, say scientists Krishnashree Achuthan and Suja Devi Vijayagangadharan, US-trained researchers at the Amrita Centre for Cyber Security that is part of Mata Amritanandamayi's Amrita University in Kerala's Kollam district.

The fetching coastline with its swaying palm trees and black sands fringes the vast University campus, where cutting edge scientific research is happening quietly, often through collaboration with peer groups abroad. Research here however is largely oriented toward practical applications that would benefit the greatest number - the Amritamitra safety device is one such that is to be announced during Amma's 60th birthday celebrations.

The personal safety device - designed at the suggestion of Mata Amritanandamayi - is just 3.5cm X 3.5cm and can be carried on one's person without attracting undue attention. The trigger may be built into the device or placed at another location on the individual's body, behind the ear or tucked at the waist, for example. This is how it operates:

This device will empower women - or the elderly, the physically challenged or children - to trigger communication with family and police when in distress. The device will remain inconspicuous to the offender and yet easily activated by the victim with multiple options to ensure stealthy and secure communication. With the ability to record conversations, and communicate immediately by the press of a button or using sms and voice calls to multiple destinations, this device also offers automated information on nearest police station, hospitals, fire stations to the victim to get immediate help. The device will also have ability to video tape events in the near future. It can work in indoor and outdoor environments with minimal power consumption.

Another device to be inaugurated during Amritavarsham60 -the 60th birthday celebrations of Amma on September 27, 2013 - is the one named Amritaspandan, a wireless device for heart patients that will alert the wearer and those on the alert list like hospital and family of any impending heart attack or failure, also revealing the location of the person.

A slew of initiatives and projects are to be announced during September 26-27 by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) including the scheme to adopt 101 villages throughout India, which is being called the Amrita Self-Reliant Village Programme (Amrita Swasraya Gramam) where Ammachi Labs will set up e-learning facilities and every effort will be made to provide for education, skills development and healthcare. A Rs 50 crore project will take off towards disaster relief work in Uttarakhand, largely for housing, care for orphaned children and women and to provide educational services.

Also announced will be breakthroughs in cancer research by the Amrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, a new tablet-based learning programme for literacy called Amrita RITE and a clutch of exciting online innovations for the benefit and protection of society.

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