Apr 26, 2016 - Our rapidly warming world could cause serious problems for civilisation ... an area ofouter space that's balanced between the gravity of the Earth and the ... into the atmosphere, can have a cooling effect (Credit: Getty Images) ... Earth, Culture, Capital, Travel and Autos, delivered to your inbox every Friday.
this was my idea published in my blog E MANN 5/9/2011
CLICK AND READ ABOUT MY IDEA PUBLISHED IN ORKUT 4 YEARS AGO http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#CommMsgs?cmm=23820816&tid=2530314752664999821
Reflector satellite cluster to cool the poles
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Reflector satellite cluster to cool the poles
A new idea has to come my mind today to COOL earth AS YOU LIKE and WHEN YOU LIKE and WHERE YOU LIKE
Multiple satellites which can reflect sunlight away from earth are positioned in space in clusters at pre arranged/calculated heights so as to cool the earth at pre arranged spots or areas as and when needed for any number of hours/days/years ,the satellites can also be repositioned at will from earth to move to new areas or configuration in such a way they can be used to generate electricity in space from sunlight and transmit it to earth by beams.Also these same satellites can be repositioned to reflect sunlight to earth to illuminate earth surfaces/cities etc at night by satellite control center
Well everytime i bring a new idea some body in some obscure corner of earth steals it and splashes it news media as his own ,and i think there must be some intellectual property police on iternet also
----------------------------------------Sunday, May 29 2011--------------------------------------------------------
How the Japanese plan to turn the moon into a mirrorball: All of Earth's energy 'to be supplied by lunar ring of solar panels'
- Panels would be maintained by remotely-controlled robots
It sounds like something out of science fiction - a huge swathe of the moon covered with solar panels to beam captured energy back to Earth.
But plans to turn the moon into a gigantic mirrorball manned by robots to provide all the Earth's energy came a step closer to reality today when they were unveiled by Japanese scientists.
The ambitious project would result in 13,000 terawatts of continuous solar energy being transmitted back to receiving stations on Earth, either by laser or microwave.
Supplying the Earth with power: The ambitious plans would result in robot vehicles being used to construct the huge strip of panels to capture solar energy
Return: Astronauts would be required to get the work under way. Pictured is American Harrison Hagan Schmitt on the moon in 1972
The plans were unveiled by Japanese construction giant Shimizu Corporation's research division, and would result in a 6,800 mile-long band stretching around the light side of the moon's equator.
It would measure up to 248 miles in width and feature 12 mile-wide antennae to transmit the power.
The quest for finding alternate energy sources has been hastened in Japan in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power station crisis sparked by the tsunami in March.
No intended timeline for the project - which would result in the biggest public infrastructure installation ever constructed - has been announced.
The future of energy production? The strip of panels, up to 248 miles wide, will stretch 6,800 miles across the equator of the moon if the plan goes ahead
Politicians in Japan are considering a plan to install solar panels on every public building in the country.
They are set to announce the move at the upcoming G8 summit in France, where green energy generation will be high on the agenda.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan is expected to tell his counterparts Japan intends to continue using its nuclear power stations, despite the Fukushima crisis.
But he will also reveal plans to step-up renewable energy use in the technologically-advanced nation.
But Shimizu Corporation said on its website: 'A shift from economical use of limited resources to the unlimited use of clean energy is the ultimate dream of all mankind.
'The Luna Ring, our lunar solar power generation concept, translates this dream into reality through ingenious ideas coupled with advanced space technologies.
'Virtually inexhaustible, non-polluting solar energy is the ultimate source of green energy that brings prosperity to nature as well as our lives.
'Shimizu Corporation proposes the Luna Ring for the infinite coexistence of mankind and the Earth.'
june 12 -2011
now hackers are trying to remove my name from my orkut!
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