What is Lucid Dreaming? - TRANSCEND Longevity ...

28-Aug-2019Lucid dreams used to be associated with the altered mental state ... Ray Kurzweil is a proponent of lucid dreaming, describing it as a way ... 


well like mr kurz: while getting out of sleep suddenly i thought why not :-

why not defeat all cancers by transplanting cancer patients with 'potentiated' ;
blood products;against ;
all known cancers?

this is the out line of my dream/thought:-
just like organs are transplanted 
from one to one
transplant anti cancer blood;blood products;
with all preparations needed as in an organ transplantation?

this thought came to my mind because of one incident:-

my friend had a cataract surgery but as he was on anticoagulant
 for clots in his calf -it had to be stopped and restarted after cataract removed 
but a slight internal bleed occured due to coagulants and again anti coagulants  was stopped for 3 and half day

now he has recovered full and good vision

my thought started :- if a cell in blood stream knows that blood covering lens is not correct/proper/normal  and starts removing the bleed/clot cell by cell; how wonderful it is to know that the cell has that sort of knowledge

same cell can be taught by appropriate exposure to different cancer producing cells ;from the  blood; cell is taught to /primed to remove the cancer cell

may be many types of cancer needs many different blood cells primed

it will be a transplant of all that primed cells together if the source of cancer is unknown

may be such research is going on at present -may be - because
i read from web that the inspiration to discover gramaphone came to 
together to 3 different people in 3 countries AMERICA,GERMANY,FRANCE 
at the same time in 19th century

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