Antlia 2 (upper left), hidden on the Milky Way's far side, is as big as the Large Magellanic Cloud (lower right) but much dimmer. (A bright, artificial blob representing Antlia 2 was added to show its location.)
G. Torrealba, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; V. Belokurov, Cambridge, U.K. and CCA, New York, U.S., based on an image by ESO/S. Brunie

Large, strangely dim galaxy found lurking on far side of Milky Way

Circling our galaxy is a stealthy giant. Astronomers have discovered a dwarf galaxy, called Antlia 2, that is one-third the size of the Milky Way itself. As big as the Large Magellanic Cloud, the galaxy’s largest companion, Antlia 2 eluded detection until now because it is 10,000 times fainter. Such a strange beast challenges models of galaxy formation and dark matter, the unseen stuff that helps pull galaxies together.
“It’s a very odd object and kind of exciting because we don’t know yet how to interpret all of its properties,” says Andrey Kravtsov of The University of Chicago in Illinois, who was not involved in the work.
The galaxy was discovered with data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite, a space telescope measuring the motions and properties of more than 1 billion stars in and around the Milky Way. Gabriel Torrealba, an astronomy postdoc at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, decided to sift the data for RR Lyrae stars. These old stars, often found in dwarf galaxies, shine with a throbbing blue light that pulses at a rate signaling their inherent brightness, allowing researchers to pin down their distance.