a relative movement between the two objects ,photon push for car traction

 today my mind is thinking many things foolish

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Relative motion is the mathematical difference between the motion of two or more objectsIt's the calculation of an object's motion in relation to another moving object. 
For example, if a truck is traveling south at 70 km/h and a car is traveling east at 80 km/h toward an intersection, what is the car's velocity relative to the truck?  
4.5 Relative Motion in One and Two Dimensions
Motion of a Car Relative to a Truck A truck is traveling south at a speed of 70 km/h toward an intersection. A car is traveling east toward the intersection at a speed of 80 km/h ((Figure)). What is the velocity of the car relative to the truck?
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The relative motion of an object with respect to another object is known as its reference frame. Even though two objects may be in relative motion to each other, one or both of them can still have real motion in their own frames of reference. 
15 Jul 2020 — In the case of relative motion, the motion of one object is described with respect to the motion of another object. This means that even though two objects may be in relative motion to each other, one or both of them can still have real motion in their own frames of reference. Yes. Each of them has real motion…
Two objects are in relative motion. Is it possible or not for one ...
Definition of Relative Motion for JEE Mains and Advance - Vedantu
The concept of relative motion refers to the comparison of two rigid bodies' relative accelerations and velocities. It is easy to say that the motion of any two objects can be compared as relative motion. The relative motion of an object with respect to another object is known as its reference frame.


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Two objects are in relative motion. Is it possible or not for one of them to have real motion?
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Yes, it is possible for one of the objects to have real motion while in relative motion with another object. Real motion refers to the actual physical movement of an object, regardless of its relationship to another object. In the case of relative motion, the motion of one object is described with respect to the motion of another object. This means that even though two objects may be in relative motion to each other, one or both of them can still have real motion in their own frames of reference.
What is an example of relative motion in real life?
If you look outside the window of a moving train, you will observe that another train lying stationary appears to be moving in a backward direction.


29 Mar 2011  G01 said: Light carries momentum even though it possesses no rest mass. The momentum carried by a photon is given by the relativistic formula:


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Yes, photons can move objects. Photons have momentum, which can be transferred as a form of energy. This allows photons to exert force on an object. 
Photons can also push objects through radiation pressure. This occurs when light photons transfer momentum to an object when they are absorbed or reflected. 
Light can also exert force through the photophoretic effect. This is when an object absorbs light preferentially on one side, which creates a temperature difference that causes the object to move. 
The amount of energy a photon carries is directly proportional to its electromagnetic frequency. This means that the higher the frequency of a photon, the higher its energy. 

 now scientists must do research over photon energy 

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